Tuesday, October 5, 2010


cu•ni•cu•lar (adjective)

of, like, or relating to a rabbit or rabbits


One of the coolest things I learned in English last year was that you can take the latin name for any animal and add "-ine" to the end to make a new word.

Para ejemplo:

Cows [bovis] = Bovine (cow-like)

Dogs [canis] = Canine (dog-like)

These are pretty obvious, but how about:

Deer [cervis] = Cervine (deer-like)

Wolf [lupus] = Lupine (wolf-like


This is awesome as it opens the door for a wide array of words you can use to impress people or insult people to their faces without them knowing it.

-Gee, Steve, you sure are balaenine!
-Oh thanks!

This showed to me just how awesome Latin is. It is still being posthumously used long after the Roman Empire has ceased to exist.

Now, according to my professor, this applied to every animal that Latin-speakers would have had a name for (like, the Romans wouldn't have had a word for penguin). However, this turned out TO NOT BE THE CASE!

I was going to be all clever today and do my post on the word cuniculine, but to my great surprise, it is not actually a word.

However, all is not lost as "cunicular" is indeed an existing word, albeit an archaic one. So I will use that word instead, with a slight bemused frown upon my face.

So I reach the main point of today's post:


For as long as I can remember, I've loved bunnies. Maybe it was because my parents would take me to Deas Island to watch the bunnies. Maybe it was because for five years I slept with a smiling stuffed bunny. Maybe it was because I really like carrots.

The point is, bunnies are cute.

Bunnies are fierce.

Bunnies are awesome.

No matter what happens, I can always rely on the universal constant of bunnies.

This is a list of my favorite bunnies from movies and literature:

5. Rabbit (Winnie the Pooh)

I always sympathized with Rabbit and how he was always dealing with crazy people surrounding him.

"Why did I ever invite that bear to lunch? Why O why O why?"

4. Bugs Bunny (The Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show)

Always keeps his cool no matter what the situation. 

"Of course you realize this means war!"

3. Frank (Donnie Darko)

I know, he scares the crap out of me too.

"28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds. That is when the world will end."

2. Peter Rabbit (The Tale of Peter Rabbit)

Dawwwwwwwww! One of my favorite stories growing up.


1. Bigwig (Watership Down)

Definitely the most BA bunny in the entire book. But he's also extremely loyal to the warren and his chief.

"Come and try you crack-brained slave driver!"

So there you go. The most cunicular individuals I can think of. Of course there are many more and if you think I missed an important one, let me know!

I look forward to your post on Thursday and I hope you don't get too stressed this week and laugh at least 4 times a day.

Bye Tim!


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