Monday, November 29, 2010


par•si•mo•ny (noun)
using the simplest or most frugal route of explanation possible.
Origin: Latin (parsimonia = to spare)


In biology, more specifically, evolutionary biology, there exists a concept called the Principle of Parsimony, which states that when attempting to map phylogenetic trees, the tree that maps its taxa using the LEAST number of changes is the most evolutionarily correct tree. This is logical, seeing as more closely related taxa share the most characteristics, and thus have changed the least. I quite enjoy saying that things are "parsimonious" or not (e.g. The third tree in this diagram is more parsimonious than the other two trees).


I remember reading the Odyssey in Moorhead's Eng8 class for our third term literature study, but I was unaware that it contained ekphrasis, and it's been so long now that I don't recall any specific instances of its use. The only candidate I can think of would be Homer's description of the veil that Odysseus' wife weaves, but even then, I am unsure of whether ekphrasis is used or not. I like how you likened ekphrasis to circus funhouse mirrors, and I think the point you raised about vantage points is really good; viewing the world/life/events/literature from as many vantage points is an important exercise that helps people understand other people better, I think.

Ah, you're lucky you don't have any lab exams. Although, two giant term papers and the Hkin project sound more stress-inducing than lab exams! I'm sure you'll do fine; you always do =)

AHHHHH!!! ONLY ONE WEEK OF CLASSES LEFT! AND THEN EXAMS! It's a rather odd feeling, because I'm so relived to be done the term, and so happy that the end is within reach, along with a much needed break in the winter weather (winter = favourite season of all time). However, it also signals the impending doom that is Final Exams, which are a major cause of stress. Let's hope our marks can survive them, yes?

On the subject of whether or not to postpone the blog, I feel that if you miss a post, don't freak out about it and don't worry about it. I'm going to try to post at least once a week still. Nothing big, like the discussion posts we've been recently been making; more short update posts, like this one.

Anyways, seeing as I'm talking to you on Skype right now, continuing this seems slightly less effective.
Good luck with your term papers, projects, and final exams!

Chat soon,

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