Thursday, September 15, 2011


e•lec•tro•to•nus (noun)
the event that is described as the diffusion of an electrical charge that permeates the fibre of a nerve cell that has been depolarizsed.
Origin: Neo-latin (electro = electric, tonus = tention)


It sounds like you have pretty great flat mates! I remember hearing about everyone except Mr. Business; I'm glad that you found so many great guys to room with this year. I remember you telling me about the asian guy; I'm glad that you'll at least be eating well this year, instead of that god-forsaken caf food. You can expect me to judge you on your cooking skill when the year is over ;P

School is starting to pick up on my end; I'm taking 19 credits this term, which is more than I've ever taken at once before, which is a lot, but at the same time, two of them are relatively easy arts courses (PHIL 120: Introduction to Logic and Critical Analysis and ASIA 100: Introduction to Early South and East Asia i.e. India, Pakistan, China, Japan, Korea) and another is STAT 200, which should be relatively easy because I did a ton a stats in my Analytical Chem course last year, but on the other hand I'm also taking PHYL 303: Honours Physiology Lab and the pure Biochem lecture and lab, so this could either be a really, really dreadful term, or a manageable one.

On the social side of life, things are both going well and not well at the same time. The BBQ was absolutely fantastic; it was a lot of fun, and we had a good time. The problems that I was having before are now completely resolved as well (the two of us had decided about 1.5 weeks earlier that we both needed a breather from each other, and so during the party everything was like before again, and after everyone else had left, we sat down and had a quiet chat together. We didn't talk about anything that had happened between us, but we did talk about some serious things, and when I asked about how things were going, I got some rather personal answers back; nothing too detailed, but personal/private enough to reassure me that I am as trusted as I was before. The fact that I am as trusted as I was before restores my own trust in our friendship, and everything is back to the way they were before the whole mess, for which I am glad. Everything is forgiven, and it's all in the past now).

On the other hand, because school has started again, I once again find myself plunged into a state of emotional neutrality, which is a such a contrast for how this summer has been. My life went from an emotional chaos to an emotional desert in a matter of days, and it's taking a while to adjust; this sense of detachment is especially hard after the humongous sense of belonging, love, and family I had over the summer with everyone. Even though we all hung out on Saturday, by Tuesday evening I was already feeling very lonely, and I so desperately wanted to hand out with the Twins, or you, or Froless Soul Boy, or my Old Wrinkly Wifey. The week just seems to have dragged on, and I just can't wait to see people this weekend.

I'm also struggling a little bit with the future. The last three years, this summer especially, has taught me just how dependent I am on my friends for my happiness and well being. I can't imagine life without you guys, and it's really freaking me out because in two years' time, I have to leave this city to complete my graduate studies at a different University. I think I would be able to survive a two years Masters degree, but I don't think I could handle being away for any longer than that. I love you all so much, I can't bear to be away from you all, and I especially don't want to miss out on this part of our lives. I'm trying to work out a way for me to get into the career that I want without having to be away for long periods of time. I'm thinking about the different options that are open to me, and I'm having trouble making a decision. I know that I don't really have to make one for another year or so, and I acknowledge the fact that there are many, many variable that I am unable to account for at the moment, but I still think it's important to think about these things anyways. These things are sometimes so polemical. I'll just keep praying about it and keep my heart open to the possibilities.

Regardless, I don't want to bother you too much with my rantings; sometimes I feel like I'm always just talking about myself and I fear that I am being selfish or inconsiderate.

I hope things are going well out at TWU! I can see that you are having fun writing for the Mars Hill and are excited to be back on campus. What courses are you taking this year? Any interesting electives? Your mini library in the hall made me giggle a bit; perhaps I may be able to contribute a tome or two.

I better get back to my work; I have to do some last minute prep for my Honours Physio lab this afternoon.
Take care and chat soon,

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