Sunday, September 11, 2011


po•lem•i•cal (adjective)
of, relating to, or involving strongly critical, controversial, or disputatious writing or speech


Tim, I'm glad to hear you're putting all that behind you. It shows both wisdom and courage to be able to set aside the past to focus on what's ahead. We can't change the past, but we have control over how it affects the present.

Actually, I think I said that before. Oh well.

Anyway, I hope you have a great semester and meet some real cool people in all your classes! I know you will rock it because you're a genius. You have brain power that makes mere uneducated mortals crap themselves in awe!

So, I thought I would just give you an update on my first few weeks at TWU, now that I'm living in an apartment now!

I've moved in with three real real cool dudes who, in Vonerdculary tradition, shall remain nameless. I will refer to them by their majors. I'm living with Mr. Human Kinetics who I knew from my dorm last year. He's a fun guy with great taste in music and an even greater sense of humour. He's currently working as the Trainer on the Spartans soccer team, so he's always at practices, ready to jump in to save the day if anyone gets hurt. He also has this thing that looks like it's covered in marshmallows that he uses to give massages to the team.

He gave me one and it hurt like a female dog, but I felt SOOOOOO good afterwards! It was crazy!

Anyways, down the hall in the apartment, we have Mr. International Studies and Mr. Business. Mr. IS was my RA from last year and he's a super cool dude. Together, we have assembled one of the greatest libraries known to man (that is placed next to a bathroom). It's such a cool experience to go to the bathroom and be greeted by my old friends Lewis, Tennyson, Austen, and Norton . . . Anthology of Literature. Also Nietzsche is there.

Mr. IS is also dating B's RA from last year, who is now the CF for B's building, while B is now RA in 4/5U while the RA turned CF GF is now living in F. All initializations aside, the bottom line is: B and this other girl now have weekly meetings together and afterward they are going to come over to our place for late dinner/snacks. I'm really excited!

Mr. Business only moved in a few days ago, but he's really cool! Apparently, he was in my brother's dorm three years ago when S was an RA and the first thing he said to me was that I looked like my brother, without even knowing we were related. He's from China in a town I know I will butcher the spelling of here. He's brought a whole bunch of awesome Asian food and he and I now have a deal where he cooks amazing Asian meals so long as I do the dishes. This is a pretty cool deal, except that I will have few opportunities to actually learn how to cook some sweet Chinese food.

So yeah, that's my apartment full of some cool guys!

Have a great week Tim!

I hope you guys had fun at the last weekend at The Wright's before school really starts!

See ya!


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